Karoll Brinton is a self-taught Canadian artist living on a homestead in central Alberta. Her parents enrolled her in a local art club at the age of twelve, after seeing what she painted with old paints donated by a fellow church member.

After graduating from high school in 1977, she accepted various commission portraits of people and pets in various mediums. The biggest order was drawing 19 pencil portraits of the local police commissioner.

 She subsidized her art income with various occupations that provided further insight into the wonderful world that she captures through her paintings & drawings. Throughout her art career, her creations have found homes in private collections all over the world. She specializes in realistic acrylic or oil paintings inspired by nature. She has continuously experimented with a variety of subject matters, media and stylistic techniques. Additionally, she enjoys teaching others how to paint or draw. Karoll is growing her worldwide audience on social media where she shares her creations and her artistic journey. She loves to encourage other promising creators pursue their passions as well.


